[Rivet] Sherpa fails to run on batch systemAndy Buckley andy.buckley at durham.ac.ukWed Aug 27 14:00:25 BST 2008
Hendrik Hoeth wrote: > Hi Holger, > > I don't know what's in your batch jobs scripts or in your .zshrc, so > it's hard to figure out what the problem might be. > > But I thought your installation was stand-alone and not looking for any > libs in /afs/cern.ch/ ? So these lines here look strange: > >> AGILe.Loader: TRACE Testing for >> /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators/lhapdf/5.4.0/slc5_amd64_gcc41/lib/libLHAPDF.so >> AGILe.Loader: TRACE Testing for >> /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators/lhapdf/ >> AGILe.Loader: TRACE Testing for >> /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators/lhapdf/5.4.0/lib/libLHAPDF.so This is a hidden evil in AGILe --- to make it work as "out of the box" as possible, the Genser AFS path is hard-coded as a fallback entry for all generators (and LHAPDF, becauso of how Genser package it). If you want to not use this fallback, then set the environment variable AGILE_USE_AFS=no (this can be useful on systems where the AFS access is slow or broken) > I'm running Sherpa without any problems in Wuppertal. Here is one of my > scripts, and I don't set any other environment variables. Rivet is > installed in /griddata/gridsoft/local/hendrik/installation/local/. I also avoid setting a significant amount of environment in my batch jobs. Apart from AGILE_GEN_PATH and AGILE_USE_AFS (and system vars like PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH...), rivetgun/agile should be completely environment-independent. Andy
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