[Rivet] [Rivet-svn] r1225 - in 2008-10-jetplugins: include/Rivet/Analyses include/Rivet/Projections src/Analyses src/Projections

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at durham.ac.uk
Wed Dec 17 14:09:29 GMT 2008

Lars Sonnenschein wrote:
> Hello Andy
> I just informed the fastjet authors, that now also the TrackJet plugin 
> gives identical results compared to the Rivet implementation.
> Once they have a new released version we can merge the plugin branch to 
> the trunk.

Great. Are we keeping the plugins within Rivet, or do Gavin and co.
actually want to include them in FastJet? (Given that they're not
actually very fast, by FastJet standards ;-) )


Dr Andy Buckley
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
Durham University
0191 3343798 | 0191 3732613 | www.insectnation.org

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