[Rivet] see only CCPythia when executing rivetgunAndy Buckley andy.buckley at durham.ac.ukWed Jan 23 15:32:25 GMT 2008
Lars Sonnenschein wrote: > Hello Andy > I updated the head versions of agile and rivet. > Agile does make now without any complaint. > But when I try to run rivetgun the only available generator I can choose > from is CCPythia. I'm copying this reply to the Rivet mailing list since this will probably be a general problem for anyone using Rivetgun now. This, of course, a feature rather than a bug - we need to move to using Genser's generator libraries, so the generator loader has been changed to expect Genser's library names (in the Genser .liblinks/<LCGTAG> directory on CERN AFS). I don't know if this works properly with the Genser libraries at the moment - there are a couple of bugs in their build system which might make it break. You can try by placing the path to the generator libraries in the exported AGILE_GEN_PATH variable. There is also a bin/mkGenserArea script in the AGILe build directory which can be used (carefully!) to bootstrap your own local Genser area (FHerwig/FPythia only at the moment) from the tarballs on the Genser web page. All this will be documented in the manual/howto when I get a moment to write it :) > (I tried also the rivet configure option --enbable-rivetgun, but it does > not make any difference) That is set true by default --- it only exists so that users can turn OFF building rivetgun if they so wish (with the --disable-rivetgun switch). Andy
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