[Rivet] undefined symbol: _ZNK5Rivet8Analysis6getLogEv

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Thu Jul 10 08:10:39 BST 2008


Thus spake Emily Nurse (nurse at fnal.gov):

> but I get the runtime error: 
> Cannot open ./libRivetMyAnalysis.so: ./libRivetMyAnalysis.so:
> undefined symbol: _ZNK5Rivet8Analysis6getLogEv
> Has anyone seen this before?

no, I haven't seen this before (I never tried to write a pluggable
analysis), but to decode this kind of symbols you can use c++filt:

hoeth at rigel:~ $ c++filt _ZNK5Rivet8Analysis6getLogEv
Rivet::Analysis::getLog() const
hoeth at rigel:~ $

So it's trying to load libRivetMyAnalysis.so in the current directory in
order to access Rivet::Analysis::getLog(). Now you probably need to find
out why it is not looking for that library in one of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
directories ...



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