[Rivet] Validation & tuning phone meeting, Monday 29th Sept, 4pm (UK)

Emily Nurse nurse at fnal.gov
Mon Oct 6 16:26:15 BST 2008

Hi Lars,

I think you will need to correct for the branching ratio difference  
as this is a ratio of production cross sections , so your formula
> R_th = dsigma/dpt(W) / dsigma/[d(pt(Z)*Mw/Mz)] *
> B(Z->ee)/B(W->enu)

looks correct - although its been a long time since I read the paper.  
If the normalisation looks off lets re think it.


On 6 Oct 2008, at 09:48, Lars Sonnenschein wrote:

> Hello Emily
> thank you for your feedback.
> Indeed the paper has two formulas for the ratio:
> a theoretical one which corresponds to your formula below and an
> experimental one which looks like:
> R_exp(pT) = [dsigma/dpt(W) / dsigma/dpt(Z)] * Mw/Mz * B(Z->ee)/B(W- 
> >enu)
> where Mw/Mz = 0.88 and B(Z->ee)/B(W->enu) = 0.3 roughly.
> The later formula I use for the ratio, i.e. scale the diff. xsec.  
> ratio
> by the constant factors given above.
> Now I could scale the Z pT before filling the histo according to the
> theoretical formula, but that would not alter the W pT spectrum.
> Though I will try to see the difference in the ratio.
> Now, since I select electrons (and  a neutrino in case of W) should  
> the
> formula look like R_th = dsigma/dpt(W) / dsigma/[d(pt(Z)*Mw/Mz)] *
> B(Z->ee)/B(W->enu)
> to take the branching ratio differences into account?
> 	Lars
> On Mon, 6 Oct 2008, Emily Nurse wrote:
>> Hi Lars,
>> Its hard to see how off the W pT plot is, can you compare it to  
>> the data so we
>> can see?
>> As for the ratio, its more obvious that its going the wrong way  
>> compared to
>> the data.
>> In the paper they are measuring dsigma/dpt(W) / dsigma/[dpt(Z)*Mw/Mz]
>> ie/ they scale the Z pT by the ratio of the W and Z masses, see  
>> page 20 and 21
>> of my 1st year PhD transfer report for more details, and  
>> comparisons of the
>> data with Herwig:
>> http://www.hep.man.ac.uk/u/emily/1styear.ps
>> It should also be explained in the paper. Are you doing this in  
>> the routine?
>> Cheers,
>> Emily.
>> On 6 Oct 2008, at 08:19, Lars Sonnenschein wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I have put some plots for the D0 2001 WpT <-> ZpT analysis at
>>> http://www-d0.fnal.gov/~sonne/D0_2001_S4674421/
>>>      Lars
>>> On Fri, 3 Oct 2008, Andy Buckley wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> Our next Rivet etc. phone meeting will take place on Monday at  
>>>> 2pm (UK
>>>> time). Note that it's earlier than last week - this will be the  
>>>> normal
>>>> time from now on.
>>>> Once again, we'll be using the DESY phone conference system: phone
>>>> +49 40 8998 1390
>>>> then enter conference code 74838 ("rivet") followed by #.
>>>> From the UK, Telediscount can be useful if your office restricts
>>>> international dialling: 0844 861 3535.
>>>> Have a good weekend!
>>>> Andy
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>>> Lars Sonnenschein
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> Lars Sonnenschein
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