[Rivet] Rivet validation effort and phone meetings

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Wed Sep 24 15:22:59 BST 2008

Hi Andy,

Thus spake Andy Buckley (andy.buckley at durham.ac.uk):

> > Now is also a good time to get back into the habit of regular phone
> > meetings. In the past we held these meetings at ~4pm UK time on Mondays,
> > at least every two weeks: is this still a reasonable time for the "core"
> > Rivet people, i.e. James, Frank S. & Hendrik (and myself!)?
> Reply, please! So far I know Lars can make Mondays at 4pm UK / 5pm CET,
> but I'm not sure about the rest of you.

Sorry that I didn't answer. Yes, I think that's a reasonable time for me.
Note however that I'm not available on 6 Oct 2008.

So what's the number to dial?


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