[Rivet] D0_1996_S3324664

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk
Mon Aug 10 17:21:47 BST 2009

Hi Lars,

Lars Sonnenschein, Thursday 22 January 2009:
> apart of the jet algorithm details mentioned below
> the Run I cone does not use the energy scheme and does not look at
> midpoints as the Run II cone does. Therefore this algorithm is not
> infrared safe.
> Anyway, I will dig out the original code from D0 if possible
> and let you know

Coming back to this old email... Did you have any luck in finding the code 
for this jet finder, or do you have any other suggestion on what to use? I 
have committed the analysis now, but using the D0 run II cone, which as 
you say is wrong. My plots seem to indicate that the difference between 
jet algorithms does show up in this analysis, so I'd like to use the 
correct one:



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