[Rivet] Rivet logging level

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Sun Dec 13 12:27:59 GMT 2009

Hi Ben,

Thus spake Ben Waugh (waugh at hep.ucl.ac.uk):

> Probably a silly question, but how do I control the logging level when
> running rivet? I thought this should work:
> cat TVTtest2.hepmc | rivet -l DEBUG -a CDF_2008_S7782535

Try something like this:

cat TVTtest2.hepmc | rivet -l Rivet=DEBUG -a CDF_2008_S7782535
cat TVTtest2.hepmc | rivet -l Rivet.Analysis=DEBUG -a CDF_2008_S7782535
cat TVTtest2.hepmc | rivet -l Rivet.Analysis.CDF_2008_S7782535=DEBUG -a CDF_2008_S7782535
cat TVTtest2.hepmc | rivet -l Rivet.Projection.FastJets=DEBUG -a CDF_2008_S7782535

Depending on what you specify in front of the "=" you can switch on and
off debugging in different Rivet modules. Using only "Rivet" will be
very verbose, using Rivet.Analysis.CDF_2008_S7782535 will only print
debugging output specific to that analysis.



"Two equal numbers are equivalent, even if they come from two
 different people one of which you don't like"
(MLM about the theoretical top cross-section, in a meeting
about theoretical uncertainties on the top mass)

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