[Rivet] Bug in H1_2000_S4129130?

Peter Richardson peter.richardson at durham.ac.uk
Tue Dec 29 15:02:52 GMT 2009

Hi Ben et al,

   So I've had a look and fixed the beams and dealt with some of the to 
dos, the binning in Q2 and x into the individual histograms looks O.K. to 
me, i.e. as in the corresponding HZTOOL analysis I copied it from. If the 
reference data from HEPDATa is O.K. I'm not sure what else can go wrong.


On Fri, 18 Dec 2009, Ben Waugh wrote:

> Hi Andy, Alex,
> I would do this but
> (a) I'm on holiday after today and have run out of time.
> (b) Alex also reports that some of the plots have different binning from the 
> reference data, but I have not had time to check this.
> Alex, you did ask for suggestions for work to do on this before next term, so 
> I suggest you work out (if you haven't already done so) how to compile Rivet 
> with your own copy of the H1 analysis routine, and fix this to work with 
> positrons and with the same binning as the reference data. Then next month, 
> if no-one beats us to it, we can submit your corrected version and you will 
> be a step further towards writing your own analysis routine.
> Cheers,
> Ben
> On 18/12/09 16:53, Andy Buckley wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> Can you update the analysis to get this right?
>> Andy
>> Peter Richardson wrote:
>>> Hi Ben,
>>> That looks like I've copied and pasted something I shouldn't have
>>> Peter
>>> On Fri, 18 Dec 2009, Ben Waugh wrote:
>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>> One of the project students working with Jon and me has discovered
>>>> what looks like a bug in the Rivet routine H1_2000_S4129130 (H1
>>>> energy flow in DIS). The paper relates to e+p data, but the code
>>>> enforces e-p input.
>>>> Are we missing something or is this a mistake?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ben
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