[Rivet] problem opening Rivet.aida files in JAS3

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at durham.ac.uk
Wed Jul 8 12:34:26 BST 2009

Emily Nurse wrote:
> Dear Riveters,
> I have just tried to open a Rivet.aida file using JAS3 version 0.8.3  
> and I am getting an error about the dimension tag:
> org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type "dimension" must be  
> declared.
> If I get rid of the lines:
>    <dimension dim="0" title="$m_{\text{Z}}$ [GeV]" />
>      <dimension dim="1" title="$1/\sigma \text{d}\sigma/ 
> \text{d}m_{\text{Z}}$" />
> etc in the file it works fine.
> Has anyone managed to open a Rivet.aida file using JAS3 since we added  
> the axis titles?

I'm not surprised: I've not used JAS3 for about 2 years!

I think JAS is a dead application which was never any good in the forst 
place, and AIDA is a semi-dead format, so just use make-plots and 
friends instead: the output is nicer, variable-width bins are supported, 
and the "dat" format is easily read and customised.


Dr Andy Buckley
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
Durham University
0191 3343798 | 0191 3732613 | www.insectnation.org

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