[Rivet] Adding metadata

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at durham.ac.uk
Mon Jul 13 22:01:56 BST 2009

Holger Schulz wrote:
> Hi,
> is the metadata now being read from those .info.yaml files?
> If so, is it sufficient to copy, say a file called 
> UA5_1989_S1926373.info.yaml
> into the reference data dir?

Yes, that should work. It would be nice to have feedback on how well 
it's working, since not all intended features of that system are working 
so far, e.g. searching RIVET_DATA_PATH, multi-energy metadata...

By the way, I have a summer student working on some of those analyses at 
the moment, but I'm not sure which ones he chose (other than the UA1 
1990 paper). I'll find that out tomorrow, to avoid any serious clashes: 
the last thing we want to do is duplicate lots of effort!


Dr Andy Buckley
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
Durham University
0191 3343798 | 0191 3732613 | www.insectnation.org

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