[Rivet] Rivet 1.1.3 release today - please test!

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk
Mon Jun 8 12:29:36 BST 2009

Andy Buckley, Monday 08 June 2009:
> We're finally on course for our Rivet 1.1.3 release today, since
> Hendrik found and fixed the bug (introduced by me, oops) in the leading
> jets analysis. The validation plots now look just as we'd like:
> http://www.ippp.dur.ac.uk/~buckley/rivetval/
> So, please give the current beta tarball a test: get it from
> http://www.hepforge.org/downloads/rivet
> I'd also like people to try the new and shiny bootsrap script, which is
> a lot friendlier and more robust than the old one:
> http://svn.hepforge.org/rivet/bootstrap/rivet-bootstrap.py
> (the name will be changing, and the other variants deleted, on release)

Seems to work fine on Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 9.04 and SL 4.7 (after a small 
committed fix).

> If there are no loud screaming noises from you (especially you pesky
> Mac users...), then I think we'll remove the "b" from the tarname this
> afternoon and declare Rivet 1.1.3 finally all systems go.

I am running the Z+jets validation at the moment, but that's going to take 
a little longer than this afternoon. I'll let you know, once I have the 


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