[Rivet] Getting HepDATAFrank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.ukTue Nov 3 20:31:56 GMT 2009
Holger Schulz, Tuesday 03 November 2009: > Hendrik Hoeth wrote: > > Thus spake Holger Schulz (holger.schulz at physik.hu-berlin.de): > >> how can I get an AIDA file from a certain HepDATA analysis > >> I am interested in (Spires 2313472, it is in HepDATA)? > > > > Quoting Frank's mail from 20 October: > > > > ssh login.hepforge.org > > lynx http://h3.phyip3.dur.ac.uk:8080 > > I am getting the following (error) messages: > > Looking up h3.phyip3.dur.ac.uk:8080 > Making HTTP connection to h3.phyip3.dur.ac.uk:8080 > Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host. > > lynx: Can't access startfile http://h3.phyip3.dur.ac.uk:8080/ The HepData development server (h3) is not constantly running, but usually during the day when Mike Whalley is working (on it). I don't have any other means of getting the AIDA file, so you'll have to wait until it comes back up. I seem to remember that Mike mentioned he would be away for a few days, but he might already be back. I hope this will soon go into production, Mike seemed to mention something like this. Frank
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