[Rivet] [Rivet-svn] r2008 - bootstrap

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Wed Nov 4 21:26:15 GMT 2009

Thus spake Andy Buckley (andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk):

> > No, the -j option for bjam doesn't work reliably here. And no, I
> > don't know why they are doing this to mankind. But there _is_
> > something good about this release. They didn't screw up the paths in
> > the include directory during the installation.
> Yep, I noticed this during the next bunch of testing. To spare myself 
> (and others, via bugs) unnecessary pain, the bootstrap script now just 
> copies the boost header directory into place. This also saves on that 
> huge build time for bits of Boost that we don't use ;)

Bah. How boring is that? No challenge! Tsssss.


"Two equal numbers are equivalent, even if they come from two
 different people one of which you don't like"
(MLM about the theoretical top cross-section, in a meeting
about theoretical uncertainties on the top mass)

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