[Rivet] normalisation to cross-sections

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk
Mon Oct 26 10:52:55 GMT 2009

Hendrik Hoeth, Friday 23 October 2009:
> Thus spake Andy Buckley (andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk):
> > And I think with a concerted effort this can happen very fast after
> > the 1.2.0 release... so let's get 1.2.0 out asap, with the same histo
> > behaviour as we intend all versions to have, and get working on this
> > histo upgrade immediately after.
> I fully agree with this plan (I'm not a fan of that histogram scaling
> either, but at least it doesn't involve unneeded cross-sections
> anymore).

Ok. So I'll revert these changes since it seems a majority is against 
them. And if YODA is so close, I agree that it wouldn't be worth having a 
version which behaves differently for a month or two.

> > Checking out YODA and testing the statistics of the histo
> > combination, getting the I/O to work, etc. would be a BIG step in the
> > right direction.
> So can you conduct that concert, please? At least _I_ don't know what
> to do and where to start with YODA, but I see that it is important for
> us.

I feel similar here. If I knew what I could do to get YODA running 
earlier, I probably would spend time on that instead of interim solutions. 
But I would appreciate if these plans would contain at least rough time 
scales, such that I know what and when to expect (and whether I do need 
(private this time) interim solutions).


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