[Rivet] Warning: change to analysis loader!

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk
Tue Sep 1 14:49:54 BST 2009

Andy Buckley, Tuesday 01 September 2009:
> Frank Siegert wrote:
> > - Out of curiosity: What is the reasoning behind moving the analyses
> > into separate subdirectories/libraries?
> Partially it was a request from Peter Richardson, since the directory
> was getting crowded, but IMO it's also nice to be able to build/install
> sets of analyses as a test, without having to wait for all of them to
> finish.

I have two reasons, why I would argue against splitting the directories:

- Our bin/rivet-mkanalysis script isn't able to put the analysis skeleton 
into the correct directory anymore now (using the --srcroot option).
- Machines have more and more cores now, making the "make -j" option quite 
useful (especially if you use distcc ;)). So having fewer source files in 
one directory is slowing down the build unnecessarily, because make won't 
be able to "multithread" across directories.

> > - Is there any practical reason for moving from libRivet*.so to
> > Rivet*.so? The old version seemed to make sense to me, as it is a
> > library after all.
> libtool recommends this name form for plugin modules: in this mode the
> Mac suffix also becomes .so, which improves predictability (actually,
> I've not made the loader respect this, so it may be currently broken on
> Macs right now).

Ah, cool. I didn't know that. That's very good then.


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