[Rivet] lifetimes in rivetAndy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.ukSat Apr 3 15:29:51 BST 2010
On 01/04/10 09:43, Alexander Richards wrote: > Hi Andy, > Was wondering if there was a nice Rivety was of cutting of particle > lifetimes such as a lifetime projection or something? I think I can > directly get the lifetime of the particles from the GenParticle but was > wondering if there was an easier way? (Copying to Rivet list: please send to the list if possible!) I don't *think* there is a way to get the generator's take on the lifetime from the GenParticle: at least, I don't see anything in the GenParticle interface that does this. HepPDT could probably be used to get this info from the PID, but there's no guarantee that the number matches that used by the generator. If there is such a mechanism in HepMC (and it's used, including in the translation from the Fortran HEPEVT event record), then I'd be very happy: we could move a lot of restrictions on particle lifetime cuts from how the generator has to be configured into the Rivet analysis code, and a lifetime-sensitive projection of some sort would indeed be useful. But I don't know of such a mechanism: maybe someone can correct me? Andy PS. There is a GenParticle::generated_mass property... adding a GenParticle::generated_lifetime seems quite sensible to me. But it would only be likely to be used by new generators, after some active migration. And the experiments are still several HepMC versions behind! -- Dr Andy Buckley SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh
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