[Rivet] Sigma and Cascade at LEP

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Fri Dec 3 01:56:06 GMT 2010

Hi Peter,

as Andy already mentioned, please write to the Rivet mailing list rather
than to individuals if you have any problems.

On 02/12/10 09:58, Peter Skands wrote:
> Here's the Sigma(1385) spectrum:
> http://mcplots.cern.ch/?query=plots,ee,zhad,xSigmach1385,All,

Fixed on trunk. 3224 was missing.

> On the Cascade-, instead, I see:
> http://mcplots.cern.ch/?query=plots,ee,zhad,xXi-,All,
> Here, it looks like Rivet may be overcounting the data. According to the
> label, the data is for Cascade- only. Is that what is counted in Rivet?

The paper explicitly says "including anti-particles", and that's also
what the data normalisation tells me. It was a bug in the analysis (a
missing "break" in the "switch" block that checks the particle IDs, so
Sigma0 got filled into the same histogram). Fixed on trunk.

Thanks for the reports,


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