[Rivet] Binning mismatch [Re: Bug in H1_2000_S4129130?]

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Sun Jan 17 19:43:06 GMT 2010

Eike is right: LWH requires consecutive bins, so to make plots like this
where the ref data has gaps the gap removal script needs to be used on
the Rivet output. However, the script name has now changed to a more
standard form, since it is now installed in $prefix/bin by the HEAD
version: the new name is rivet-rmgaps


On 15/01/10 18:29, Eike von Seggern wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> if I understand you right, you're dealing with an extra bin in the
> output of rivet where there's a gap in reference data. This is because
> aida cannot handle gaps in the binning properly. To fix .aida files from
> rivet you can use bin/gap_removal .
> Hope this helps.
> Best
>     eike
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 17:18 +0000, Ben Waugh wrote:
>> Hi Andy, All,
>> The issue with the binning seems to be due to the fact that there is a 
>> gap between eta of -2 and -1 in the published data. Presumably this is 
>> related to the detector acceptance. The Rivet analysis does include a 
>> bin in this region,
>> and compare-histos doesn't like the fact that the bins are different.
>> We should think about how compare-histos should deal with this 
>> situation, but I don't think there is anything (obviously) wrong with 
>> the Rivet analysis.
>> Cheers,
>> Ben
>> On 04/01/10 19:45, Andy Buckley wrote:
>>> Thanks Peter. Ben and Alexander, please take a look and see if there are 
>>> any obvious problems.
>>> Andy
>>> On 29/12/09 15:02, Peter Richardson wrote:
>>>> Hi Ben et al,
>>>> So I've had a look and fixed the beams and dealt with some of the to
>>>> dos, the binning in Q2 and x into the individual histograms looks O.K.
>>>> to me, i.e. as in the corresponding HZTOOL analysis I copied it from. If
>>>> the reference data from HEPDATa is O.K. I'm not sure what else can go
>>>> wrong.
>>>> Peter
>>>> On Fri, 18 Dec 2009, Ben Waugh wrote:
>>>>> Hi Andy, Alex,
>>>>> I would do this but
>>>>> (a) I'm on holiday after today and have run out of time.
>>>>> (b) Alex also reports that some of the plots have different binning
>>>>> from the reference data, but I have not had time to check this.
>>>>> Alex, you did ask for suggestions for work to do on this before next
>>>>> term, so I suggest you work out (if you haven't already done so) how
>>>>> to compile Rivet with your own copy of the H1 analysis routine, and
>>>>> fix this to work with positrons and with the same binning as the
>>>>> reference data. Then next month, if no-one beats us to it, we can
>>>>> submit your corrected version and you will be a step further towards
>>>>> writing your own analysis routine.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ben
>>>>> On 18/12/09 16:53, Andy Buckley wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>>> Can you update the analysis to get this right?
>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>> Peter Richardson wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>>>> That looks like I've copied and pasted something I shouldn't have
>>>>>>> Peter
>>>>>>> On Fri, 18 Dec 2009, Ben Waugh wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>>>>> One of the project students working with Jon and me has discovered
>>>>>>>> what looks like a bug in the Rivet routine H1_2000_S4129130 (H1
>>>>>>>> energy flow in DIS). The paper relates to e+p data, but the code
>>>>>>>> enforces e-p input.
>>>>>>>> Are we missing something or is this a mistake?
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Ben
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>> -- 
>> Dr Ben Waugh                                   Tel. +44 (0)20 7679 7223
>> Dept of Physics and Astronomy                  Internal: 37223
>> University College London
>> London WC1E 6BT
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Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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