[Rivet] [Fastjet] Problem with JADE plugin?

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk
Mon Jun 28 10:27:50 BST 2010

Andy Buckley, Monday 28 June 2010:
> On 28/06/10 11:08, Frank Siegert wrote:
> > Frank Siegert, Monday 28 June 2010:
> >>   ALEPH_1996_S3196992 DELPHI_1996_S3430090 DELPHI_2003_WUD_03_11
> >>   MC_JetAnalysis (-> all MC_*JETS analyses) OPAL_2001_S4553896
> > 
> > Actually not ALEPH_1996_S3196992 but instead
> > ALEPH_1996_S3486095 and ALEPH_2004_S5765862.
> No objections from me! I changed the JADE_OPAL one to use ymerge_max
> for Durham as well as JADE, but the big (only?) difference was for
> the JADE alg. But please go ahead and change the other ones, too...
> but validate before committing, of course!

The MC_JetAnalysis was already fine fortunately, and the others were all 
Durham algo, so they should be ok, given what you saw in JADE_OPAL. I 
will hopefully have time later on to run some LEP events through them, 
haven't done it so far though.


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