[Rivet] [Rivet-svn] r2262 - trunk/docFrank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.ukThu Mar 18 12:42:20 GMT 2010
Hi Lars, Lars Sonnenschein, Tuesday 02 March 2010: > please find at > http://www-d0.fnal.gov/~sonne/fastjet_2.4.1_added_D0RunIplugin.tgz > my augmented version of the FastJet 2.4.1 release which adds the D0RunI > plugin in the usual way (see configure --help) The package did compile without problems, and I managed to use the new plugin in Rivet using the attached patch (against rivet trunk r2340). I am currently running validation runs with Sherpa, but I'm not sure how well that's supposed to describe this data. I think we should focus on D0_1996_S3324664 for validation, because the analysis itself is much simpler and less error prone than the other D0_1996 one. Since the D0 publication compares to Herwig, it would be good if you could use my patch and run some Fortran Herwig samples through this analysis. Let me know if you encounter any problems with the patch, and please also let me know an estimate of when your runs are going to be finished, such that I can make sure that my plots are ready then as well. Cheers, Frank -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: d0run1plugin.patch Type: text/x-patch Size: 2645 bytes Desc: not available Url : http://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20100318/dbd4a44c/attachment.bin
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