[Rivet] [Rivet-svn] r2339 - in trunk: include/Rivet/Projections src/Analyses src/Projections

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk
Fri Mar 19 11:26:09 GMT 2010

This commit actually does have a sizable impact on some analyses. A 
comparison of all Z+jets @ Tevatron Run II and QCD @ Tevatron Run I and II 
can be found here:


(compares between r2335 and r2339)

The most noteworthy ones are probably:

Here the jet pTmin cut was missing and the internal D0ILCone Et_min was
incorrectly set.

The internal D0ILCone Et_min was incorrectly set, here you can see that this
has a ~5-10% effect on the jet rates.

Separate issue fixed in r2337 (eta range for FinalState wrong)

There doesn't seem to be too big an effect on the inclusive D0 RunII jet
measurements (even though they use D0ILCone). That's probably mainly
because most analyses either had the pTmin cut set correctly or their
histograms are in pT.

Since almost all D0 Z analyses are slightly effected, and two even more
significantly, I would propose that we release 1.2.1 with these fixes.
What do you think?


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