[Rivet] Bugfix release 1.2.1 (Was: Re: [Rivet-svn] r2339 - in trunk: include/Rivet/Projections src/Analyses src/Projections)Frank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.ukFri Mar 19 19:55:31 GMT 2010
Andy Buckley, Friday 19 March 2010: > > It is in principle validated (back when I used it as a > > plugin analysis for tuning), but better to be safe. > > Is anybody able to easily run a few Pythia MinBias events through it? > > I'd have to install agile first, but will do so if nobody else is > > able to do it. We'll have to include all kinds of processes, because > > the ATLAS analysis doesn't correct for them, i.e. I think that > > translates into > > > > MSEL 0 > > MSUB(11) 1 > > msub(12) 1 > > msub(13) 1 > > msub(28) 1 > > msub(53) 1 > > msub(68) 1 > > msub(92) 1 > > msub(93) 1 > > msub(94) 1 > > msub(95) 1 > > I recognise the diffractive and inelastic QCD processes from there, but > 11-13 and 28, 53, 68 are new to me... do you know offhand what those > are? I have to admit that I don't, would have to look it up as well. It's what Markus Warsinsky told me was sensible to use in the context of the Atlas analysis. > I should get my copy of AGILe back in action over the weekend, > hopefully, along with other tuning things to do (and presumably dodging > Jo's wrath for working at the weekend!) so I'll let you know if I get a > chance to check this out for you. Otherwise let me know if you get a > chance to test it yourself... doesn't Sherpa have a clever new soft > physics model to try out? ;) Sherpa's new min bias model is definitely clever ;-), but its implementation isn't finished yet, at least not to an extent where I would trust it for the validation of an analysis. I don't know yet how much time I will have during the weekend to work on this (none in theory), so if you haven't managed to do it during the weekend, I'll try to do it on Monday before the official tarball is out. Actually I just realise that it is currently not in the unvalidated library, but hey ... I consider it already validated anyway (it's the plots that Markus Warsinsky showed in the tuning meeting). Cheers, Frank
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