[Rivet] CDF Drell-Yan underlying event published

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Mon Mar 22 15:06:17 GMT 2010

On 22/03/10 14:37, Andy Buckley wrote:
> Since we're planning to make the Rivet 1.2.1 patch release very soon
> (hopefully today), I decided to check whether Deepak had managed to
> publish the CDF underlying event measurement in Drell-Yan... and they
> have (maybe some of you already noticed):
> http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?irn=8591881
> I'd like to take the opportunity of this release to rename the analysis
> and update the metadata. I'm assuming that no data has changed, but I'll
> check and get Deepak to supply Mike with data tables for HepData. Any
> objections to this? -- it might delay the patch release by a day.

Having talked with Frank about this, we decided to keep the names the
same for the patch release and make a simultaneous name change for the
CDF DY and leading jets analyses at the same time in a future release,
using data dumped from HepData. We're aiming for a 1.2.1 release this


Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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