[Rivet] Rivet 1.2.1 patch releaseAndy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.ukWed Mar 24 15:05:05 GMT 2010
I forgot one very important thing: this Rivet patch release also, as a bonus, includes an implementation of the first ATLAS minimum bias analysis. Submissions from other experiments are also very, very welcome! Best wishes, Andy On 23/03/10 23:54, Andy Buckley wrote: > Following on from the recent release of Rivet 1.2.0, we announce the > release of a patch release, version 1.2.1, which fixes a significant bug > in the FastJet projection whereby the minimum pT parameter was not being > properly passed to the jet algorithm. Jet-specific analyses may be > affected. Thanks to Frank Siegert for finding and fixing this bug. > > Rivet 1.2.1 also contains a new "MissingMomentum" projection, to be used > for calculating missing (transverse) energy in place of the previous and > confusing TotalVisibleMomentum projection which made no effort to > exclude invisible particles. A bug in the MC_SUSY analysis, with exactly > this flaw, has also been fixed. > > Rivet 1.2.1 is recommended for immediate use as a replacement for 1.2.0, > and can be downloaded as usual from the > http://projects.hepforge.org/rivet/ Web page. Apologies for the short > time between these releases, but this was a problem that we couldn't > leave "in the wild" for very long! > > Best wishes, > Andy > -- Dr Andy Buckley SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh
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