[Rivet] Python, Rivet 1.20, CERN AFS, LXBATCHBen Waugh waugh at hep.ucl.ac.ukFri Mar 26 13:47:18 GMT 2010
Hi Andy, Terrance, Looks like I didn't actually reply to Terrance, just to the Rivet list. Terrance, can you tell us what setup script you are using as Andy suggests? If you are using the code from Svn and want a quick workaround you can still try installing a new Swig as I did. On 26/03/10 13:00, Andy Buckley wrote: > On 25/03/10 21:49, Ben Waugh wrote: >> Dear Terrance, >> >> I had the same problem ("invalid conversion" in one of the source files >> generated by Swig) compiling Rivet on SLC5. There is a bug in the >> version of swig supplied with the OS, so I had to install my own version >> (swig-1.3.40) locally and place it in my $PATH before the standard bin >> directories. > > That seems odd to me: I *think* we are bundling those generated source > files, so SWIG shouldn't need to be present on the Rivet build system > unless you're building from SVN. In my case, I am building from Svn. Yesterday the download tarball appeared to be missing a file spiresbib.py that I guess you have since added, but I still get another error when making the PDF manual from the tarball: No rule to make target `refs.bib', needed by `rivet-manual.pdf' Cheers, Ben > > Terrance, can you point us at / provide that setup script, so we can > test it ourselves? > > Thanks, > Andy > -- Dr Ben Waugh Tel. +44 (0)20 7679 7223 Dept of Physics and Astronomy Internal: 37223 University College London London WC1E 6BT
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