[Rivet] minutes of special LCG Generator Services monthly meeting - HepMC discussion and release planning

Lynn Garren garren at fnal.gov
Tue May 11 16:38:04 BST 2010

My apologies - it was simply a problem in the test code.  I am not 
finding a problem in the actual source.

GenRanges.h, it is.

Andy Buckley wrote, On 05/11/2010 10:25 AM:
> On 11/05/10 16:21, Lynn Garren wrote:
>> Thanks Andy.  Indeed there is a problem if you do not explicitly name
>> any of the weights.  I am fixing that.
> Cool: if you send me a diff I can test the fix without having to make a
> beta2 immediately.
>> Tests are in place for the new range iterators, look in testHepMCIteration.
> Ah, missed that one. Thanks.
>> IteratorRange.h is deliberately simple. It was created to avoid a
>> circular dependency problem, so we can't put the range classes there.
>> How about if I rename GenEventIterators.h as just GenRange.h?
> There are many, so I suggest "GenRanges.h"... just cosmetic, but it helps!
> Cheers,
> Andy

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