[Rivet] AGILe

Sparsh Navin Sparsh.Navin at cern.ch
Wed May 19 09:52:26 BST 2010

Basically what I want to do (in priority order) is:
1. use RIVET to compare ALICE data with PYTHIA8, PYTHIA6 and PHOJET.
2. have a tool to convert ALICE root objects to flat/aida formats.
For 2, I am trying to use a script (root2flat) that Andy sent me. This I will work on once number 1 is sorted out.
For 1, I can get PYHTIA8 events in HepMC format. For PYTHIA6 I need to either use AGILe from AFS for get it locally. For PHOJET, I need  to have a local installation of AGILe as this needs to be developed.
I am struggling to get AGILe locally. Below is what I get...
[pcalicebhm09] /home/snavin/my_work/rivet_test > . /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/gcc/4.3/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/setup.sh
[pcalicebhm09] /home/snavin/my_work/rivet_test > export PATH=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/swig/1.3.40/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/bin:$PATH
[pcalicebhm09] /home/snavin/my_work/rivet_test > ./rivet-bootstrap --no-install-rivet --install-agile --dev-mode on --force on
Checking for developer mode programs
Updating AGILe SVN working copy
Bootstrapping autoconf files
libtoolize: `/afs/cern.ch/alice/library/local/share/aclocal/libtool.m4' is serial 47, less than 48 in `aclocal.m4'
Use `--force' to replace newer libtool files with this version.
autoreconf: libtoolize failed with exit status: 1

This might help...
[pcalicebhm09] /home/snavin/my_work/rivet_test > echo $PATH

[pcalicebhm09] /home/snavin/my_work/rivet_test > echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

[pcalicebhm09] /home/snavin/my_work/rivet_test > echo $AGILE_GEN_PATH

[pcalicebhm09] /home/snavin/my_work/rivet_test > export PYTHONPATH=/afs/cern.ch/alice/library/afs_volumes/vol12/root/lib:$PYTHONPATH
[pcalicebhm09] /home/snavin/my_work/rivet_test > ./rivet-bootstrap --no-install-rivet --install-agile --dev-mode on --force on
Checking for developer mode programs
Updating AGILe SVN working copy
Bootstrapping autoconf files
libtoolize: `/afs/cern.ch/alice/library/local/share/aclocal/libtool.m4' is serial 47, less than 48 in `aclocal.m4'
Use `--force' to replace newer libtool files with this version.
autoreconf: libtoolize failed with exit status: 1

I can start rivet (auto completion works) after sourcing the script (attached) Hendrik wrote for me when he installed rivet on my machine on the 2nd of March.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hendrik Hoeth [mailto:hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch]
Sent: Wed 5/19/2010 9:55 AM
To: Sparsh Navin; Rivet
Subject: Re: [Rivet] AGILe
Hi Sparsh,

> On 18/05/10 16:05, Sparsh Navin wrote:
> > Hi Andy,
> > 
> > I am moving back to the UK in less than 2 weeks and amidst packing and
> > cleaning I would like to get somewhere with RIVET before the move.
> > 
> > Is it possible to have maybe a skype conversation in the next few days
> > to get things working?

so what's not working? What's the status?



Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine
out of ten people couldn't start a conversation.    -- Kin Hubbard

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