[Rivet] Jimmy stops with CODE 300

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Wed May 26 19:45:19 BST 2010

On 26/05/10 17:05, Jonathan Butterworth wrote:
> I misremembered the name, it's NMXHEP, which dimensions the particle 
> array in the HEPEVT common.
> As you are using 6510 it's 4000, if you use 6510.2 it's 10000.
> The recommended value is 10000 for LHC running. I think this may be your 
> problem
> - if your local jimmy build has 10000 then there is an incompatibility. 
> It will depend where you are picking the herwig include file from when 
> you build jimmy.
> - even if they are both consistent and 4000 its possible there is an 
> nchecked overflow somewhere if a rare events exceeds 4000 particles, 
> though I would hope they are all checked!

Thanks Jon, I thought you'd be able to help! I've done a bit of digging,
too, Holger:

First, it's best to take the sources from the Genser packages, I think.
The Jimmy "4.31.2" version used to be the one with the NMXHEP = 10000
build... the ".2" suffix is a bit cryptic, to say the least! Although
now I see  there is a ".3" version as well, and the SLC5 builds have
only been made using this... probably best to take the sources from
there. It'll require a bit of hacking the agile-genser-bootstrap script,
if you're using that.

AGILe uses the NMXHEP variable to set up HepMC, so consistency should be
ensured in that HEPEVT -> HepMC translation, at least!

I've just committed a few changes to the AGILe loader to cope with these
Genser name changes... you'll have to use the AGILe head to be able to
use the ".3" version of JIMMY.

I just tested this new AGILe build against the Genser builds on lxplus,
like this:

agile-runmc HerwigJimmy:6510 --beams=pp:7000 -p PTJIM=5 -p PTMIN=5 -p
JMUEO=0 -n 100k

Got to event 78887, with the .3 JIMMY build, before getting the fatal
300 message and abort. Damn, some more digging required...


Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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