[Rivet] Jimmy stops with CODE 300

Holger Schulz holger.schulz at physik.hu-berlin.de
Thu May 27 18:46:27 BST 2010

On 27/05/10 16:27, Andy Buckley wrote:
> On 27/05/10 11:00, Jonathan Butterworth wrote:
>> Hiya,
>> Andy Buckley wrote:
>>> Got to event 78887, with the .3 JIMMY build, before getting the fatal
>>> 300 message and abort. Damn, some more digging required...
>> Mmm. So this looks like you reduced the problem but didn't elimiate it?
>> It might be that running in this minbias mode with this tune,
>> herwig+jimmy actually (rarely?) exceeds 10000 particles? If the fortran
>> herwig and jimmy is compiled without bounds checks this could have
>> unpredictable results.
>> (of course good fortran should protect against such things and herwig
>> and jimmy may do but I am not 100% sure).
>> If I had a working set up now with herwig and jimmy compiled myself, I
>> would insert write statements in to see what NHEP and MAXER are at the
>> end of each event...
> Think I've got it: despite trying to linking against the ".3" builds,
> the NMXHEP size was always 4000! Digging a bit, it turns out that we
> were relying on Genser's symlink to Herwig with the version name being a
> variant of "6510", i.e. "6510.3" in
> /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators/herwig/... but these symlinks
> hadn't been updated for the builds with larger HEPEVT. So JIMMY was
> expecting NMXHEP = 10000 but we were accidentally getting a HERWIG with
> NMXHEP = 4000.
> I've changed some bits of the generator loader so that we don't get the
> wrong symlink any more, when using Genser's builds. For private biulds
> of the generators, make sure you are using the ".3" tarballs of both
> HERWIG and JIMMY. Note that the change in the loader means that the
> command-line name for HERWIG now ends in "6.510" rather than "6510".
> Holger, can you try this out? Hopefully problem solved, but you might
> well need to rebuild your local versions of HW and JIMMY from the Genser
> ".3" tarballs.
Sweet, seems to work! I got past 40000 events now then I got
impatient, will try to generate 1M events know. Thanks a lot

> Andy

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