[Rivet] CDF_1988_S1865951Anton Karneyeu Anton.Karneyeu at cern.chWed Nov 17 19:23:33 GMT 2010
Hi Hendrik, thanks again for fast response! Really, this is only a question of units. I thought the HepMC installation at cern uses GeV as default momentum unit, but MeV is default. As soon as I specify GEV unit in HepMC::GenEvent() constructor explicitly, the problem disappear. And, finally, there is no problem with pythia8 main32.cc example as this question is described in the comments inside the example. Cheers, Anton 17.11.2010 19:12, Hendrik Hoeth: > Hi Anton, > > Thus spake Anton Karneyeu (Anton.Karneyeu at cern.ch): > >> thank you for investigation. Running AGILE with HepMC 2.06.03 fix >> this problem. But reveals another one with hepmc file generated by >> pythia8 hepmc interface. > > If I run > sed -i "s/MEV/GEV/" generator.hepmc > before running Rivet, everything works fine. You compiled HepMC with > units of MEV and MM. Now the numbers stored in the hepmc file are in > GeV, but the file says MeV. Rivet believed that HepMC got the units > right, assumes that the center of mass energy is a factor 1000 different > from what you generated, can't match that with any of the two allowed > energies of 630 and 1800 GeV, respectively (for CDF_2002), doesn't book > a histogram, but then tries to fill the histos. Woooops, a segfault. > > I agree that Rivet shouldn't go south. But then, you've got a unit > problem somewhere between Pythia8 and HepMC. If you find it, please send > a patch to Torbjörn, too, because his main32.cc example is also > affected. > > Cheers, > > Hendrik >
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