[Rivet] Weighted profile errors fixed / long-overdue release

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk
Thu Sep 16 09:18:41 BST 2010

Andy Buckley, Wednesday 15 September 2010:
> I just fixed the remaining user-visible problem that I'm aware of in
> Rivet... typical, I spend forever working out the most general form
> of a weighted standard error and then go and write the crucial term
> upside down in the code! Anyway, profile errors in weighted events
> look sane now.


> So, other than adding proper underscore handling to make-plots (which
> Hendrik has said he'll do, hint hint), I don't think there are any
> issues remaining (at last) to block the release that we aimed to make
> in June! Any opposition to me tarring it up and installing in Genser
> once the make-plots underscore thing is sorted?

Not from my side.


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