[Rivet] histograms scalingAndy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.ukWed Apr 13 00:53:34 BST 2011
On 12/04/11 23:55, Anton Karneyeu wrote: > Hi Andy, > > I am looking for a way to preserve statistical information associated > with histogram (like sum of weights, weights^2, x*weight, etc. per bin) > after normalization/scaling step (after > Rivet::AnalysisHandler::finalize() call). As I see, currently in Rivet > all this information discarded - basically histogram (IHistogram1D) > converted to an array of points (IDataPointSet). > > Just to give more details - this is necessary to sum up histograms from > different runs properly (I use Rivet as library). > > Do you have an idea how to achieve this need? Hi Anton, There's currently no way to keep this information, and it's a hard problem as general finalize operations can do all sorts of uncombinable things to make the resulting histograms: it's not just Histogram1Ds, but also Profile1Ds, and scaled/normalised/divided combinations of histograms, which makes it *much* more complicated. We've known that this is a problem for a long time, but the demands of our users meant that the development effort had to go into the physics content rather than the histogramming. We're working on a histogramming upgrade at the moment, which means that specifically writing interface code to use the AIDA objects would be guaranteed to break with release 2.0.0, so I wouldn't recommend that. If you've got any suggestions on how you think we can solve the general problem, please let us know! The histogramming upgrade will preserve data type and fill information for standard histograms, but histo divisions, asymmetries, etc. are probably still going to have to be rendered into DataPointSets... maybe that will be good enough for your purposes, though. Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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