[Rivet] Fwd: Re: Broken e-cal stripDavid Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.ukSun Aug 7 21:15:27 BST 2011
Hi Jon, thanks for the clarification. > this will either be corrected for on the way to making a particle level > measurement, or will be clearly given in the fiducial phase space of the > measurement. By "normally" here though I guess I mean in SM group > measurements. I had assumed that this would happen. The conf note as it stands is not reproducible, though. > Also of course CONF notes aren't in general intended for rivetting, > papers are. But I guess you knew that... Sure, but tackling them means that 80% of the work is done when the paper comes out. :-) And I can let you know abut Rivet-compatibility issues before the paper is settled. David
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