[Rivet] [Rivet-announce] Rivet 1.6.0 released

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Tue Aug 2 16:03:58 BST 2011

Hi everyone,

I'm very pleased to announce that we've today released a new version of 
Rivet, version 1.6.0, which is recommended for production use in place 
of Rivet 1.5.1. As ever, it can be downloaded from
and will shortly be available in pre-built form in the LCG Genser 

The major version number change reflects that there have been some 
interface changes relevant to analysis authors, in particular in the 
WFinder and ZFinder projection interfaces. You may need to slightly 
update your analysis code, but it's worth doing as the interface fixes 
were introduced to fix a bug in the treatment of extra leptons in the 
events where the W/ZFinder are used.

As well as these changes, there are a multitude of minor bug fixes, new 
analyses, and new features. The full description of changes since 1.5.1 
may be found in the release change log: 

Thank you for using Rivet, and many many thanks to those who have 
contributed to this release either in code or by feeding back 
information about bugs or feature requests. The latter particularly 
applies to the Genser and mcplots teams for their sterling job in 
testing the Rivet build and operation in advance of this release.

Best wishes and happy riveting,

PS. We are giving a Rivet tutorial as part of the LPCC Theory Institute 
at CERN, on Tues 9th August. Send your analysis colleagues so your 
experimental analysis can go into the next release!

Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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