[Rivet] plotting errors

Sara Alderweireldt sara.alderweireldt at ua.ac.be
Mon Aug 29 13:04:24 BST 2011

Hello Andy,

Thanks for the quick reply. The problem was with the TEXMFHOME variable, 
I had an old path from a previous setup in my .bashrc that overwrote the 
correct path. With that reset properly the errors are gone. I probably 
would have thought of checking my environment variables eventually, but 
only after trying a bunch of other things. Your suggestion saved me a 
lot of time. Thanks again!


On 08/29/2011 12:48 PM, Andy Buckley wrote:
> Hi Sara,
> I also saw this error on lxplus with the new Rivet version. It turned 
> out to be because I have a personal LaTeX enironment setup which sets 
> the TEXINPUTS and LATEXINPUTS environment variables, and these were 
> overriding the TEXMFHOME variable set by Rivet, which points at a 
> special add-on for pstricks that adds the opacity support... so if 
> it's not visible you get those errors.
> This only caused problems for me on Scientific Linux systems since 
> their TeX installation is really old and incomplete. Typical! To fix 
> it, I added this to my Rivet setup (also in the public Rivet setup 
> script in ~abuckley/public/setupRivetProf.sh):
> This works for me... please let us know if your problems persist!
> Andy
> On 29/08/11 11:36, Sara Alderweireldt wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been working with Rivet and Professor for thesis and project work
>> for a while and recently encountered the problem below. I remembered
>> your names from the CERN Rivet tutorial. If you can't help me with this,
>> could you please refer me to the correct person?
>> The problem is that I get the 'dvips: ! DVI file can't be opened' error
>> for almost all (but not all) plots I try to make from .dat files
>> (prof-envelopes output) with 'make-plots'. I read the manual and tried
>> increasing some of the tex parameters which this problem is supposedly
>> linked with, but either I'm doing that incorrectly or the problem is
>> different. I also ran the command with verbose output, which repeatedly
>> gives me:
>>     ! Package xkeyval Error: `opacity' undefined in families
>>     `,pst-3d,pst-grad,pst-
>>     coil,pst-eps,pst-fill'.
>>     See the xkeyval package documentation for explanation.
>>     Type H <return> for immediate help.
>>     ! Package xkeyval Error: `strokeopacity' undefined in families
>>     `,pst-3d,pst-gra
>>     d,pst-coil,pst-eps,pst-fill'.
>>     See the xkeyval package documentation for explanation.
>>     Type H <return> for immediate help.
>> I'm running Rivet 1.6.0, Professor 1.3.0, gcc 4.6, python 2.7, ... on
>> fedora 15.
>> Thanks in advance and kind regards,
>> Sara Alderweireldt
>> University of Antwerp

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