[Rivet] facing a problem

Izhar Sagheer izhar.sagheer at cern.ch
Mon Dec 12 09:52:21 GMT 2011

yes you are right. Actually I am using shell bash so couldn't make FIFO in dir under AFS. So i created FIFO in /tmp/. and now I am feeding events in fifo.hepmc. You tell me please how can I run RIVET and MC generator at the same time?
From: Hendrik Hoeth [hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch]
Sent: 12 December 2011 14:31
To: Izhar Sagheer
Cc: rivet at projects.hepforge.org
Subject: Re: [Rivet] facing a problem

Hi Izhar,

Thus spake Izhar Sagheer (izhar.sagheer at cern.ch):

> I am using rivet. But facing a problem while running a analyses.
> Whenever I type the command:
> "rivet -a CMS_2011_S9120041 /tmp/fifo.hepmc"
> a line is shown like:
> "Rivet 1.7.0 running on machine lxplus403.cern.ch (x86_64)"
> and still here forever. Tell me what should I do?

are you feeding events into /tmp/fifo.hepmc? You need to run Rivet and
the MC generator at the same time.



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