[Rivet] RIVET plugin for LHCb analysis ready...

Peter Skands peter.skands at cern.ch
Fri Dec 16 11:34:01 GMT 2011

Hi Alex,

That's great news. To the riveteers, do let us know if we can give it a 
test run through mcplots ... :)!


On 12/15/11 9:12 PM, Alex Grecu wrote:
> Dear all,
> I finished my tests of the attached RIVET plugin for the LHCb article
> "Measurement of $V^0$ production ratios in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}
> = 0.9$ and 7\,TeV", doi:10.1007/JHEP08(2011)034, arXiv:1107.0882. As the
> plots match quite well the ones published, I also marked it as
> "VALIDATED". I regret the delay in this release which was partly due to
> the high statistics 5M events needed for testing each of the MC tunes.
> Another problem was unintentionally triggered by the move from SPIRES to
> INSPIRE. As a result I still cannot find the SPIRES ID for the published
> paper and I used the INSPIRE ID instead. If you think this is a problem
> that needs to be solved (given the SPIRES database slowly becomes
> obsolete) please let me know!
> Also, if you consider that some of the metadata (hopefully not the code)
> requires any further modification before including it in RIVET, please
> don't hesitate to contact me!
> Best regards,
> Alex Grecu
> ----------------------
> LHCb Experiment
> Office: 11/1-014
> Phone: +41 22 76 79058
> Postbox: F26500

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