[Rivet] [Rivet-svn] r2972 - trunk/data/anainfoFrank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.chFri Feb 25 09:51:51 GMT 2011
Hi Andy, > Log: > Mark superseded CDF 2009 min bias note as obsolete (should we also have a RivetObsolete.so?) I'd vote against many different Rivet*.so libraries. It's always annoying when one moves an analysis from one library (e.g. RivetUnvalidated) to another (e.g. RivetATLAS) because one has to manually clean and re-make the former, otherwise one runs into a duplicate error. I saw the point for the unvalidated ones at first, because we don't want to compile them by default. But on further thought: Shouldn't it be possible to simply exclude them like RivetATLASAnalyses_la_SOURCES = \ if ENABLE_UNVALIDATED ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_049.cc endif ATLAS_2010_S8591806.cc \ ATLAS_2010_S8817804.cc \ ATLAS_2010_S8894728.cc \ ATLAS_2010_S8914702.cc \ ATLAS_2010_S8918562.cc \ ATLAS_2010_S8919674.cc \ ATLAS_2011_S8924791.cc \ ATLAS_2011_S8971293.cc ? Cheers, Frank
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