[Rivet] [Rivet-svn] r2970 - trunk/bin

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Fri Feb 25 13:06:23 GMT 2011

On 25/02/11 12:31, Frank Siegert wrote:
> Hi Hendrik,
> On 25/02/11 12:24, Hendrik Hoeth wrote:
>> Thus spake blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
>> (blackhole at projects.hepforge.org):
>>> Author: fsiegert
>>> Date: Thu Feb 24 20:05:19 2011
>>> New Revision: 2970
>>> Log:
>>> Add nicer sort logic to rivet-mkhtml: Sort analyses by Spires ID and
>>> put everything without one at the back
>> Honest question: Why do you prefer this over the old sorting?
> So I had two goals in mind:
> Have newer analyses at the top, and move the MC_* analyses (and as a
> side-effect all unpublished analyses) to the bottom.
> Now you would prefer to have the analyses sorted by experiment? I would
> argue sorting them by date makes more sense?
> But maybe we can come up with some kind of compromise that meets all goals?

I agree with both of you! How about grouping by experiment (interior
design micromanagement comment: grouped via a expt-level div with subtle
background colour?) and then by "decreasing" date in that group, with
the status = preliminary, unvalidated & obsolete analyses explicitly at
the end. And group the experiment groups by collider.

This would be similar to the groupings used for the analysis PDF & HTML
documentation, but with the date ordering reversed for viewing convenience.


Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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