[Rivet] [Rivet-svn] r2850 - in trunk: . bin pyext

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Fri Feb 25 23:51:57 GMT 2011

Thus spake Andy Buckley (andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk):

> * Hendrik, we should coordinate the compare-histos styles option work: I
> can do it if you want to concentrate on getting more CMS analyses ready.

Oh crap. I knew I had forgotten something. My plans for tomorrow depend
on the weather. If we go to the glider club and it rains, I can look at
compare-histos. If we stay at home, I'll be in the workshop. No plans to
add more CMS analyses before the release -- the most interesting one is
the R_32 measurement, but I can't reproduce their MC, so it will have to

> * Any other remaining unticketed to-dos?

I *think* there are some open mails from Anton, but I'd have to check.



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