[Rivet] ratio plot

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Sun Jan 2 16:47:16 GMT 2011

On 02/01/11 03:57, Sercan Sen wrote:
> Hi,
> There is a plot at the attachment.
> I would like to get the ratios "r1 = a / b" and
> "r2 = c / d" and plot r1, r2 on the RATIO plot.
> Is there an option for this in make-plots script ?
> It's easy to do it in ROOT but for some reasons
> I would like to do it in Rivet.
> // in ROOT: .. first, plot a and b in a canvas... and create a TPad for
> the ratio plot..
>    TPad *pad = new TPad("pad","pad",0,0,1,0.3);
>    pad->SetTopMargin(0);
>    pad->Draw();
>    pad->cd();
>    a->Sumw2();
>    a->SetStats(0);
>    a->Divide(b);
>    a->Draw("ep");
>    ...

Hi Sercan,

Sorry, there's no built-in way to do this with make-plots at the moment:
it's meant to be a script to cover a set of common tasks, not a
programmable plotting system like ROOT. You can convert the AIDA files
to ROOT TGraphs with the aida2root script, and plot what you want that way.

As a long-term. low priority goal, I would like to split the core code
out of make-plots to make a nice Python module for programmatic
plotting. Any ideas or contributions to that are exceedingly welcome,
but it's at the no-code stage now, just a few ideas.


Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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