[Rivet] missing/incorrect axis labels in STAR_2006_S6500200 and ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_049

Peter Skands skands at fnal.gov
Tue Jan 18 20:18:43 GMT 2011

Hi Hendrik,

Thanks for the fixes.

>> Also, there is typo in Y axis label of (anti Lambda)/(Lambda) ratio:
>>    http://mcplots.cern.ch/?query=plots,pp%2Fppbar,mb,aL2L_pt,All
> What exactly is wrong with this axis label?

Mea culpa, this may have been our own plotting tool. The "\overline" on our plot 
was previously stretched over both the numerator and denominator. I agree it 
looks ok on the current plot though, so whatever was causing it must have been 

> BTW, I would plot this on a linear scale, not logarithmic.
Yep, me too :) That should automatically happen when we add more statistics to 
the site though.

>> In ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_049 analysis X axis of jet fragmentation
>> distribution plots should be "$z_track$" with no units (currently
>> "track jet $p_\perp$ [GeV]").
> I fixed those, BUT: You shouldn't really be using the ATLAS_2010_CONF
> analyses for anything real. In this specific analysis we can't reproduce
> the MC lines shown in the conference paper for the two jet cross-section
> plots. The 081 and 031 analyses that are currently in trunk are tailored
> for a specific task and for most of the plots the plot doesn't
> correspond to the labels. Please wait for the final ATLAS analyses.

ok. I'll let Stefan Prestel (the new MCnet/LPCC shortie in charge of adding 
mcplots analyses) know we should put those on the backburner for now.


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