[Rivet] Z projection on RivetGavin Hesketh hesketh at cern.chMon Jan 31 12:37:42 GMT 2011
Hello, A couple of points for the Z projection. First, in the analysis D0_2010_S8671338.cc (inclusive Z pT), the setup needs to be adjusted. Currently: ZFinder zfinder(-1.7, 1.7, 15.0*GeV, MUON, 65.0*GeV, 115.0*GeV, 0.2); ie sum all photons in a cone of 0.2 around the muon. This does not correspond to the analysis, which did not sum any photons into the muons, so: ZFinder zfinder(-1.7, 1.7, 15.0*GeV, MUON, 65.0*GeV, 115.0*GeV, 0.0); This actually makes a significant difference in the first few Z pT bins. I realise ATLAS are handling this slightly differently... Then some fine-tuning which is a much lower priority. At the moment, it looks like the Z projection calculated the invariant mass before adding on photons, then adds on photons to both electron and muon channels. So: 1) calculate the mass after adding the photons, if the photons are going to be added (probably a tiny effect) 2) for D0 Z->mm, don't add the photons; for ATLAS Z->mm and all Z->ee, add the photons. I'm sure there is an easy way to code a switch here. Note that for the D0 Z->mm, still need to select the photons in a 0.2 cone and exclude them from the jet finder. The current analyses (D0_2009_S8349509.cc, D0_2008_S7863608.cc) instead apply a cut on jet-muon overlap, which which was not done in the data analysis. The two methods (excluding photons around the muon vs removing jet-muon overlap) probably has an almost identical effects in the end though. cheers, Gavin
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