[Rivet] [Rivet-svn] r2876 - in trunk: . bin include/Rivet/Tools src/Analyses src/Core src/Tools

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Mon Jan 31 15:16:46 GMT 2011

Hi Andy,

 > That was on purpose, since all of our other variables are taken as
 > canonical search path definitions

I'd like to agree with Frank. The env variable behaviour of Rivet is 
quite counterintuitive at the moment (for all of the variables).

The standard search behaviour I would expect from other tools is that 
the package that will be used comes from the first successful match in 
the following paths:

  1) contents of SOME_ENV_VARIABLE if it is set
  2) current working directory
  3) .foorc in user home directory
  4) builtin global search paths

Other than Rivet, I can't recall a tool where the env variable 
completely overrides the builtin path. The builtin always gets pushed 
back in the search queue, but doesn't get removed.

See you,


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