[Rivet] software design of rivet?

Peter Steinbach P.Steinbach at physik.tu-dresden.de
Thu Jul 14 09:09:07 BST 2011

Dear Rivet developers,

just as last year, the institute of nuclear and particle physics ofthe 
TU Dresden is setting up a workshop on advanced software development 
within Germany's terascale alliance. The school tries to bring advanced 
concepts of object-oriented programming to PhD students and Post-Docs of 
LHC physics (theoretical and experimental) to make them better 
developers and to make our software better eventually.
We hereby concentrate on discussing design patterns as documented in 
Gamma et al., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented 
Software or listed on this nice page: http://sourcemaking.com/.

I've started to use rivet recently and had a look at your code. the 
framework is well written and suggests that a lot of  experience in 
object-oriented programming was behind constructing it.
I found the command pattern (functors in C++ speak) and strategy pattern 
(virtual inheritance of the Projections class and the polymorphic use of 
project() and compare() ) in your code.

For this year's school, we are still looking for speakers that might 
give a lecture on assorted patterns and conduct exercises of their use.

We'd be rather happy, if some of you could join the workshop at Dresden 
from September 26th to September 30th and present some core features of 
Rivet that represent Design Patterns.
Please let me know, if you'd like to contribute.

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