[Rivet] CMS rivet analyses

Albert Knutsson albert.knutsson at desy.de
Tue Jul 19 14:35:17 BST 2011

Dear Hendrik and Andy,

thanks for your feedback. We will take your comments below into account 
in the future.

Thanks also for already putting CMS_2011_S8884919 in the repository.
Are the strangeness and di-jet analysis now also there?

The charged hadron codes will soon be updated, and sent to you.


On 7/18/11 5:33 PM, Hendrik Hoeth wrote:
> Hi Albert,
> thanks for the analyses. I've cleaned up the first one now
> (CMS_2011_S8884919) and put it into the Rivet repository. The others
> will follow. Just some comments for the future:
>    - There is no need to specify histogram titles and axis labels
>      in the .cc file. They go into the .plot file.
>    - Use units. For example write
>        fuzzyEquals(sqrtS()/GeV, 900)
>      rather than
>        fuzzyEquals(sqrtS(), 900)
>    - I've mentioned this before, but to no avail. The histogram
>      titles are really meant to be useful titles. Imagine looking at
>      an analysis you are not very familiar with. There is a "$n$" on
>      the x-axis and a $P_n$ on the y-axis. Which title line would you
>      consider more useful:
>        $|eta|<  1.5$
>      or
>        Charged hadron multiplicity, $|eta|<  1.5$
>      Oh, and there is no need for a space before a comma in typesetting.
>    - You can group things together in the .plot files, using regular
>      expressions or partial names. If for example all your histograms
>      have the same XLabel and YLabel, just do
>        # BEGIN PLOT /CMS_2011_S8884919/d
>        XLabel=n
>        YLabel=$P_{n}$
>        # END PLOT
>      and omit those parameters in the individual PLOT sections.
>    - There is no need to declare init(), analyze() and finalize() if you
>      implement them three lines further down in the code, and you can
>      also omit the "return;" at the end of void functions.
>    - Avoid scattering unused variables throughout your code, like nch_max
>      in CMS_2011_S8884919 (you set it to 400 and then never use it).
>      Other examples are _h_KNO_eta05 and _h_KNO_eta24.
>    - Make local variables local (rather than global member variables),
>      like _sumpt in CMS_2011_S8884919. Same for _nch_in_Evt and
>      _nch_in_Evt_pt500.
>    - Don't include headers you don't need, like HadronicFinalState.hh.
>    - Delete dead code rather than putting it into a comment. There is no
>      need for someting like
>        //This cut is not needed
>        /*if (charged.particles().size()<1) {
>          vetoEvent;
>        }*/
>      in the official final version of your analysis. It just makes the
>      whole thing more difficult to read.
>    - Think twice if you really need a _Nevt_after_cuts just for
>      outputting the sum of weights as a log message in finalize() --
>      especially if your analysis doesn't contain *any* cuts. If you still
>      want such an output, we provide sumOfWeights() for you.
> I know this might seem pedantic, but we need to maintain the analyses in
> the most readable and maintainable way, and I managed to cut down that
> analysis by 1/3 in size without changing any functionality.
> Cheers,
>     Hendrik&  Andy

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