[Rivet] FHerwig in AgileAndy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.ukTue Jul 19 15:58:04 BST 2011
Hi Gavin, Thanks for that... I've made that fix in FHerwig, FHerwigJimmy, and the AlpGen* variants of both of those. I'm wondering, though, *should* the soft UE be being called in the Jimmy variants? I suspect not... and wonder how much of an effect this has on UE observables :S Anyone know for sure? We'll get this into the next release... hopefully very soon, since I think that only the Cascade issue that Holger's looking at, and maybe this JIIMY+soft UE thing are left to be fixed before tagging & tarring AGILe 1.3.0. Andy On 19/07/11 14:45, Gavin Hesketh wrote: > Hello, > I noticed a problem when trying to run Herwig without hadronisation. It > seems the soft underlying event has to be turned off also, otherwise > Herwig is never able to produce events. > > ie: > > if (_doHadronise) { > FC_HWCFOR(); // Do cluster formation > FC_HWCDEC(); // Do cluster decays > FC_HWDHAD(); // Do unstable particle decays > FC_HWDHVY(); // Do heavy flavor decays > } > > FC_HWMEVT(); // Add soft underlying event > FC_HWUFNE(); // Finish event > if (FC_HWEVNT.IERROR == 0) break; > > > the call to FC_HWMEVT() needs to be moved into the _doHadronise > conditional in order to get any events. > > This is an empirical observation, I don't really understand what happens... > > FHerwig.cc and FHerwigJimmy.cc both need to be updated. > > cheers, > Gavin > _______________________________________________ > Rivet mailing list > Rivet at projects.hepforge.org > http://www.hepforge.org/lists/listinfo/rivet > -- Dr Andy Buckley SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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