[Rivet] AGILe 1.3.0 released

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Sun Jul 31 20:31:36 BST 2011

Hi everyone,

A new version of the AGILe generator steering interfaces package has 
been released. Version 1.3.0 contains the usual collection of bug-fixes 
to the previous release, as well as new support for reading LHEF files 
(i.e. support for POWHEG and other external partonic generators) in the 
PYTHIA and HERWIG(+JIMMY) interfaces.

Another new feature is the ability to apply several levels of event 
filtering to the produced HepMC records, in the most aggressive case 
reducing the event particle content (and hence the CPU devoted to HepMC 
ASCII I/O) by three-quarters: combined with the new --precision argument 
to agile-runmc, this can substantially speed up use of AGILe with piped 
output to e.g. Rivet. agile-runmc also now supports built-in 
meta-parameters, a feature which can be particularly useful in model 
exploration or generator tuning.

We recommend AGILe 1.3.0 for immediate production use: the source 
tarball can be obtained as usual from
and should shortly be available on AFS from the Genser collection 
(thanks as always, Gensers!).

Best wishes,

PS. We would still like PHOJET and MC at NLO interfaces as part of AGILe. 
Please get in touch if you'd like to contribute!

Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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