[Rivet] Presentation of Event Shapes resultsPeter Skands peter.skands at cern.chFri Jun 3 23:32:54 BST 2011
Hi, Thanks for the quick replies. @Hendrik: I looked for a CDF event shape analysis in the Rivet documentation on the web but so far could only find the CMS one. Can you point me to the CDF one you say you have with points read off the plots? Sorry if I am just being blind. In any event, it would be better to get the officially blessed data points. @Sergo: HEPDATA is a quite useful web repository for experimental results. Perhaps you have sometimes seen links associated with experimental papers on SPIRES like this Reaction Data (Durham) such as in this CDF entry, for instance, http://inspirebeta.net/search?ln=en&p=FIND+IRN+4155203&action_search=Search That kind of link is to the HEPDATA repository, which is located in Durham. Among others, Monte Carlo tools use that database extensively for testing and tuning purposes. In general, HEPDATA accepts data in a wide variety of formats. Any kind of standard vector of points such as a list of, xlo xhi y stat- stat+ sys- sys+ .... should be ok, nothing fancy is needed. If you can provide lists such as that for any of the plots in the paper, the person to send them to is Mike Whalley, M.R.Whalley at durham.ac.uk (cc here), who is in charge of HEPDATA. If my example above is inaccurate, he can inform you as to the optimal format. Hoping to soon be able to compare lots of models to this data! Cheers, Peter On 6/3/11 6:52 PM, Hendrik Hoeth wrote: > Thus spake Peter Skands (peter.skands at cern.ch): > >> A) Are the data *points* public, or just the plots? >> >> B) If the points are public, are they in HEPDATA? > > The points (read off the plots) are in Rivet. It would be very nice to > get an official version. > >> C) If they are in HEPDATA, is there a corresponding Rivet analysis >> that is (or could be) incorporated in the official Rivet releases, >> so everyone can make direct comparisons? > > Yes, it's in (and has already been in 1.5.0). > > Cheers, > > Hendrik >
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